When the story broke that a mum in the US had successfully given birth to Octuplets, there was a heated debate with some people terming it a blessing and others saying that more is not always better.
Those against claimed that people call it a blessing just because they’re following the rules of life which dictate that we rejoice and celebrate new life. It’s just this much more difficult to talk of new life in a negative light but the human mother is neither physically nor psychologically designed to give birth to and bring up 8 children at a go.
Extreme multiple births, which have become more common with the use of fertility drugs are often characterized by high mortality rates. Though not new, they’re still quite a phenomenon. There was a time triplets were a marvel, and still are to some extent. But more likely to make news are quadruplets, quintuplets, sextuplets, septuplets, octuplets, nonuplets, decaplets, undecaplets, duodecaplets, quindecaplets etc. Thankfully all the later are very rare.
There are many documented cases of fertility drug use resulting in multiple births. According to About.com, in 1996 a 23 year old mother had undecaplets (11). She elected to undergo selective reduction and reduce to 4. In those mundane words lies the chilling idea of authorizing the doctors to mercifully end the lives of the other 7. In 1971, in
The debate rages on. Is more always better?